JLMP Priority Project

In order to have a significant and realistic take-off of the Programme, a Three-Year Project (JLMP Priority), funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), was developed and launched in 2018 with the overall objective of improving the governance of labour migration to achieve safer, orderly and regular migration in Africa as committed in relevant frameworks of the African Union (AU) and Regional Economic Commissions (RECs), as well as international labour conventions and other cooperation processes.
JLMP Priority Implementation Actions
The JLMP priority foresees a series of coordinated and simultaneous interventions implemented across two main thematic domains: governance and operational implementation. The governance domain addresses the critical need to develop in concert the four cardinal pillars of labour migration governance: 1) laws and regulative frameworks based on international labour standards, 2) viable and comprehensive policies developed in coherence across various sectors such as overall development, migration, employment and education, 3) strengthening core institutions responsible for labour migration governance such as relevant government Ministries (e.g. Ministries of migration, of labour, education, of justice, foreign affairs etc.), and 4) engaging stakeholders in a whole of society approach, including social or “World of Work” actors (Ministries of labour, and employers and workers’ organizations); migration organizations and associations, cooperation among the main employment and labour market institutions, diaspora associations, academia, media etc. In addition, coherent actions should be pursued at all levels of governance - the national, regional and international levels.
Objectives of the JLMP Priority
- Outcome 1: Enhanced effectiveness and transparency of operations of labour migration stakeholders, such as labour market actors and institutions, migration authorities, in consultation and cooperation with workers and employers’ organizations, the private sector, recruitment industry and relevant civil society organizations, in delivering improved labour migration governance services.
- Outcome 2: Improved policy and regulatory systems on labour migration at Member State (MS) and Regional Economic Communities (REC) levels, and considering the gender dimension and relevant international human rights and labour standards.
- Outcome 3: Multi-stakeholder policy consultation and practical coordination on labour migration and mobility to provide advisory support to MS, AU and REC decision makers; and
- Outcome 4: Strengthened capacity of the AUC for continental and regional operational leadership in labour migration management including spearheading/steering the implementation of the JLMP at all levels.
- Main activities of the JLMP priority
- Outcome 1: Enhanced effectiveness and transparency of operations of labour migration stakeholders, such as labour market actors and institutions, migration authorities, in consultation and cooperation with workers and employers’ organizations, the private sector, recruitment industry and relevant civil society organizations, in delivering improved labour migration governance services.
- Outcome 2: Improved policy and regulatory systems on labour migration at Member State (MS) and Regional Economic Communities (REC) levels, and considering the gender dimension and relevant international human rights and labour standards.
- Outcome 3: Multi-stakeholder policy consultation and practical coordination on labour migration and mobility to provide advisory support to MS, AU and REC decision makers; and
- Outcome 4: Strengthened capacity of the AUC for continental and regional operational leadership in labour migration management including spearheading/steering the implementation of the JLMP at all levels.