Objectives & Expected results

Effectiveness and transparency
Enhanced effectiveness and transparency of operations of labour migration stakeholders, such as labour market actors and institutions, migration authorities, in consultation and cooperation with workers and employers’ organizations, the private sector, recruitment industry and relevant civil society organizations, in delivering improved labour migration
Improved policy and regulatory systems
Improved policy and regulatory systems on labour migration at Member State (MS) and Regional Economic Communities (REC) levels and considering the gender dimension and relevant international human rights and labour standards.
Policy consultation and practical coordination
Multi-stakeholder policy consultation and practical coordination on labour migration and mobility to provide advisory support to MS, AU and REC decision makers;
Capacity building
Strengthened capacity of the AUC for continental and regional operational leadership in labour migration management including spearheading/steering the implementation of the JLMP at all levels.
Expected results
- Enhanced capacity of Ministries of Labour, Ministries of Foreign Affairs, labour market institutions and other relevant Ministries in Member States to implement their roles and responsibilities on labour migration governance;
- Improved capacity of social partners (workers’ and employers’ organizations), migration organizations and associations, the recruitment industry, diaspora organizations, women’s associations, and others, to engage in advocacy for and protection of the rights of migrant workers, and to participate in the realization and development benefits of safe, orderly and regular labour migration management in countries of destination and origin, as well as at regional levels;
- Improved capacity of the AUC to coordinate and spearhead the implementation of the JLMP; and
Enhanced capacity of RECs (particularly ECOWAS, SADC and EAC) to improve labour migration governance through effective implementation of their relevant policy frameworks and legal instruments.