JLMP Labour migration

Enhanced effectiveness and transparency of operations of labour migration stakeholders, such as labour market actors and institutions, migration authorities, in consultation and cooperation with workers and employers’ organizations, the private sector, recruitment industry and relevant civil society organizations, in delivering improved labour migration governance services.


  • A Labour Migration Training and capacity building programme for Africa (LMCB in Africa) developed utilizing already existing materials of IOM, ILO and partners and taking into account gender concerns, relevant international human rights and labour standards, environmental and other cross-cutting dimensions; and is available to guide labour migration capacity building efforts in Africa in a coherent and comprehensive manner
  • Increased knowledge and skills among target labour migration stakeholders to deliver fair, effective and transparent and gender responsive labour migration services.
  • Support the AUC and member states in the collection and analysis of labour migration data, including by producing a Labour Migration Statistics Report
  • Labour migration stakeholders in Africa are capacitated to address the skill dimension of labour migration governance, such as piloting skills mobility initiatives helping to reduce skills shortages; increasing recognition of skills and qualifications across Africa, contributing to the strengthened employability of migrants to prevent brain waste, deskilling and unemployment.
  • Progress on fostering safe and orderly labour mobility within and from Africa is monitored and evaluated through a regularly convening pan-African labour migration symposium