At the policy level, a Programme Steering Committee (PSC) provides strategic guidance and ensures the follow up of the implementation of the programme. It will meet twice a year. The PSC ensures that the implementing partners, AUC, IOM, ILO and participating RECs share ownership of the project.

The PSC oversees and validates the overall direction and policy of the programme, and ensures that activities of all components are in line with the AU strategy on migration and REC frameworks and common approaches.

The PSC will discuss and approve annual workplans presented by the technical committee, will approve the transfer of funds to the participating agencies according to the budget, logframe and workplan, and will review and approve all progress reporting of both narrative and financial character.

The PSC is chaired by AU and a representative from IOM and ILO will co-chair on a rotational basis. The PSC includes senior officers from IOM and ILO, Regional Social partners (Business Africa, ITUC-Africa and the Organization of African Trade Union Unity (OATUU)). The Programme Manager (CTA) will act as a secretary to the PSC.

Where appropriate, participation to the PSC meetings will be open to observers (e.g. donors, representatives of AU/REC member States, civil society representatives, research institutions, organizations implementing similar programmes such as GIZ) for specific purposes and upon invitation. The PSC shall meet every 3 months during the three years of the Project.